The Coach U Podcast

S2 E9: Honor U

John "Coach U" Urena Season 2 Episode 9

Honor U 

 We all have dreams and imaginations.  It’s part of the human experience.  We often associate dreams with fantasy and not often reality.  But we can bring our dreams to life.  If we shut down our dreams, we shut down who we are and what we have to give back to the world.  

 So why do we let our dreams wash away?  Why do we not take the limited amount of time on this planet and push towards what speaks to us internally?  What stops us?  We do.  Every single one of us is guilty of this. 

The problem I ran into is I was not doing things that fully aligned with me.  I would start a project with excitement, then I just quit.  I was constantly focused on things I was good at, but not what drove me. 

The act of starting and stopping kept me feeling stuck and unsure of who I was, and even more so clouded my own self image.  

It’s amazing how we let the external world dictate our decisions.  We get so caught up in the worry of what others think, what others will say.  The truth is, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks or says.  It really means nothing.    No one will ever know or understand our own experience.  That is why it is crucial that no matter what you do in life, you honor U.

I define honoring U by firstly taking a look at what matters to U.  What do you love to do?  You  love to write?  You love to go fishing?  You love to paint?  Whatever it is, make it part of your life.  Getting away from who we are and what we love can be easy when we are taught to follow the herd.  Do not dim your light.  Shine that light brighter than ever.    

Pull over for a second and look at your roadmap.  If you have felt lost or like you took a wrong turn, you don’t need to turn around, because that is the past.  You can take a look back to see what worked, but ultimately you need to focus on the now and what drives U because if you don’t, that piece of you will always be lost.  

How do you know what drives you?  Write about it.  Think about your common things in life.  What comes up a lot?  What do you often think about?  What makes you smile inside and outside?  What gives you natural energy?  What adds value to your life?

 If we do not honor ourselves, no one else will be able to share in what we have to offer to this world and we all have something to give.  

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Golf Mobility Academy

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